Friday, 29 October 2010

Golden number


Hi people!

You already know what pi= 3,1415... is but what about phi= 1,618...?

Visit the website again to find lots of information about this topic and check the online dictionary if you have any trouble with the vocabulary, and of course, if you still have problems, ask your teacher!

So, read carefully the following questions and write down the answers.


  1. Describe in a few words what the golden number is?

  2. What is the mathemathical value of this number?

  3. Which letter from the greek alphabet is used for the golden number?

  4. Draw a single line and divide it in two parts with a golden ratio.

    Now explain why is it like this in this particular way.

  5. Tell how to build a golden rectangle.

  6. What buildings or historical monuments are built following that shape.

  7. Find the golden section in Keops's Pyramid.

  8. What are the numbers of the Fibonacci series?

  9. Why this logical progression in the Fibonacci series happen? And what happens if you divide one of this number and the following one.

  1. Which famous book and movie could you find this numbers in?

  2. Where can you find the golden ratio in the Nature and on Human beings?

    Explain some exemples.

  3. Write down some more examples of where could you find it in art and others.

  4. Have you heard about Vitrubian's man? What is is?

  5. Could you demonstrate with mathemathical formulation why phi = 1,6180... ?

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

First activity in Biology

Here I'm, in my first collaboration in this blog... let's see how I manage
In my biology class, 3r ESO B, I've used some of the material Joan gathered in the blog.
In a treasure hunting, I've used three slideshows in English as information source for the questions. It wasn't the only one source, they've got the book and some webs in Spanish too (it was my first try, I didn't want to begin with a fail!!)
I've given them the slides in photocopies. All the groups have worked in translation, and some of them have answered some questions in English. Not all the question, and not all the groups, to be honest, but it was not compulsory. I'd just suggested in class I may reflect in the marks the effort of writing in English.
The texts they had to read were short and quite easy but, anyway, I thing it's a success for the first activity.
Now I'm planning three more steps:
  • To look some short video in English
  • To ask for definitions in a glossary in Catalan and English
  • To show them the cell and tissues paints in English (there are really good pictures in the web)

And that's all what I've done... not too much for one month, but anyway I've begun

Monday, 20 September 2010

Math TV

Basic Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus.
How to say it and how to develop these branches of Mathematics in English.
Lots of video lessons teaching Maths at all levels 
 Click here to go to MATH TV